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Investment banking in Africa has shaped the economic landscape in Africa, catalyzing growth, capital formation, and financial market development. As the African …

We’re thrilled to share some exciting news! Opportunik Global Fund has just completed its first year, and we’re proud to report that …

As the African continent grows in population, so does the economy and the increasing urbanity of its financial markets. Many Africans seek …

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Case Studies


Co-created by Opportunik, Volition Entertainment, Media and Art (VEMA) is a trailblazing model for private equity in African entertainment. It funded The Black Book, Africa’s most successful movie on any streaming platform.


The African Entertainment, Media, and Art (AfEMA) is our pioneering model for private equity and alternative investment for the creative industry in Africa. By leveraging our extensive network and expertise, we aim to unlock the immense potential of Africa’s creative talent and generate sustainable returns for our investors.